Medical Massage

Medical massage, also known as clinical massage, is an outcome-based and targeted treatment plan to specific problems patients are experiencing and have been professionally evaluated for. Performed by a specially trained massage therapist, its purpose is rehabilitation, most of the time by focusing only on the affected part of the body.

A useful tool in the management and treatment of pain and muscular tension, massage is an important part of our holistic service offering, and something we consider a very necessary indulgence.

What is medical/clinical massage?

Clinical massage involves treating soft tissue dysfunction through hands-on manipulation; ultimately working to rehabilitate, maintain and enhance the body’s natural mobility. At Fizio+, we tailor each massage treatment to your needs, whether that’s untangling your knots after a stressful week, or working alongside our physios to speed up your post-injury recovery.

Benefits of clinical massage

Aside from relieving muscular tension, clinical massage is known to improve circulation, enhance joint and muscle function, decrease pain, regulate neurohormones and assist with anxiety, tension headaches and insomnia, while encouraging relaxation and enhancing feelings of wellbeing.

The many benefits of clinical massage include:

  • Improved circulation
  • Reduced pain such as: back, neck, shoulder
  • Reduced muscular tension
  • Increased mobility
  • Increased energy

Conditions medical massage can assist with

Whether you’re a 9-to-9 desk worker or professional sportsperson, young or old, in prime health or chronically ill*, remedial massage can enhance your wellbeing. (*Please consult your doctor if you have a pre-existing medical condition, and make your condition known to your massage therapist before your treatment.)

Remedial massage is used to treat a range of symptoms and conditions, including:

  • Muscular tension
  • Sports injuries
  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Tension headaches
  • Muscle strain
  • Stress
  • Frozen Shoulder

What’s the difference between a medical massage and a massage therapy?

While both employ manual techniques which apply pressure to parts of the body, the key difference between the two is the purpose of the massage. A medical massage is therapeutically relevant, focusing on relieving pain and discomfort, while a massage therapy is mostly used for relaxation, it's stimulate your nervous system and increase blood flow and lymp drainage. A medical massage may be referred to you by a doctor or physical therapist.

Fizio+'s clinical massage therapist work closely alongside our physiotherapists to treat clients holistically. Your massage therapist will assess you to determine the most suitable technique(s).

Javaslatunk gyógymasszázs iránti érdeklődés esetén:

Első alkalommal 55 perces gyógymasszázst javaslunk vendégeinknek, melyből az utolsó 10 percet a szakemberünkkel való konzultáció teszi ki. Itt az általa tapasztalt egyéni tényezők alapján tesz majd javaslatot a további terápiára, törekedve ezzel a lehető leggyorsabb és leghatékonyabb kezelésre.

Clinical Massage Therapist

Varga Zoltán

Gyógy- és Sportmasszőr


Szluka Cecília

Gyógymasszőr, Svédmasszőr


Jóni Dávid

Medical massage therapist


Tóth Leona

Gyógy- és sportmasszőr


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