Personal Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is an efficient, conservative method for preventing several musculoskeletal disorders. During personal treatments we use different technics according to the actual health status of each individual patient. Our goal is to reach the best condition and the therefore the highest quality of life for our patients.

What to Expect?

In each case the first step is a “bodily condition” survey. We prepare a detailed locomotion and posture analysis, based on questioning and examination of the patient. A custom tailored treatment plan is assembled according to the findings from our analysis.

The findings from the analysis undertaken as above serve as the basis for both short and long-term treatment plans. At Fizio + our highly professional staff of physiotherapists recommend the most efficient physiotherapy methods to apply.

These methods may be varied according to the improvements of condition in the patient’s body. All treatment plans are adjusted to suit the actual condition of the each patient as appropriate to their condition.


For what cases are the various treatments recommended?

+ Low back pains,
+ Back pains, weakness stiffness,
+ Neck pains,
+ Hernias, scoliosis, abnormal degenerative spine disorders and other spine disorders,
+ Posture hardships, (sloppy posture, already developed increased dorsal curvature.
+ Different hip disorders,
+ Shoulder, elbow wrists joints ,
+ Knee pain,
+ Ankles and feet musculoskeletal problems,
+ Prevention and treatments of sport injuries,
+ Preparation of the patient for surgery and post-surgery fast recovery,
+ Rehabilitation after surgeries,
+ Osteoporosis,
+ Maintaining and improving the everyday condition of the patient with professional help.

Online Physiotherapy

- Through Google Meets

Personal Physiotherapy therapists:

Nagy Viktória

Gyógytornász - Fizioterapeuta


Mudela Mercédesz

Chován Dóra

Gyógytornász - Manuálterapeuta


Chován Dóra

Gyógytornász - Manuálterapeuta


Süle-Szigeti Atilla



Konkoly Anett

Physiotherapist - Manual therapist


Chován Dóra

Gyógytornász - Manuálterapeuta


Szemerey Nora

Manual Therapist


Jónás-Fejes Flóra

Manual Therapist


Book an appointment online or call us on weekdays
from 7am to 7pm +36 30 278 8909

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