McKenzie Method

The McKenzie physiotherapy method is often referred to as MDT or Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy. MDT, originally launched by physiotherapist Robin McKenzie, is a system encompassing assessment, diagnosis and treatment for both spinal and peripheral complaints. MDT is a comprehensive method of care developed in the late 1950s which has been continually developed over the years, and is now taught worldwide.

McKenzie Physiotherapy Method

At Fizo+, the Mckenzie physiotherapy method, advanced assessment, and mechanical diagnosis methods have been incorporated into our style of practice. We are strong believers in the use of self management strategies – which is a hallmark of MDT – and we feel empowerment through knowledge, understanding and control is a key feature of any patients success in achieving their goals. Over the years, physiotherapists typically adopt methods of assessment and treatment into their day to day practice methods that, over time, have been found to be the most effective in achieving quick and safe results.

McKenzie Method therapists:

Chován Dóra

Gyógytornász - Manuálterapeuta


Jónás-Fejes Flóra

Manual Therapist


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from 7am to 7pm +36 30 278 8909

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