Musculoskeletal assessment

Musculoskeletal assessment is a targeting tool used to discover the cause of a patient's individual symptoms. It can be used to assemble an accurate and detailed diagnosis which is essential for later pain-free daily life.

Consultation- This is how we inquire in detail about the patient’s complaints and lifestyle, through this we can establish an accurate medical history. If the patient has earlier findings from other medical examinations of their health conditions, such as the analysis of scanning images from examinations (e.g., MRI, X-Ray, etc.) these can assist with providing us with the basic understanding necessary to develop the proper therapy (it is important for the patient to bring these documents to our consultation).

Posture Assessment – Conducted in underwear, as we examine the entire body and its imbalances, not just the problematic area.
Why? – It is possible that, for example, pain in the right knee is the result of an asymmetric load caused by scoliosis, so in the future, we may not only treat the knee but also focus on restoring symmetry in the structures around the spine.

Physical Examinations – Various muscle strength and functional tests, as well as joint range of motion measurements, help pinpoint the underlying issue of the problem.

Diagnostic Ultrasound – Provides a detailed, pain-free image of muscles, joints, tendons, and other soft tissues. We use ultrasound during every assessment to get a complete picture of the issue. Further details on ultrasound examination.

Discussion of the underlying problematic factor(s) with the patient.

Short- and long-term treatment plan creation and explanation, recommendation of treatment techniques, and lifestyle advice.

It is strongly recommended to bring a change of clothes for the assessment. Changing facilities are provided at our clinic.

For what cases are the various treatments recommended?


In such a plan we will recommend it treatments to alleviate as appropriate:

  • Low back pain
  • Back pain
  • Neck problems / stiff neck, pain, arm numbness, headache
  • Intervertebral disc complaints / searing pain, numbness, loss of senses
  • Other spinal disorder complaints / vertebral misalignment, abrasion, fracture/
  • Hip complaints
  • Shoulder, elbow and wrist complaints
  • Knee, ankle & foot pain
  • Injuries following from sport activities.


Nagy Viktória

Gyógytornász - Fizioterapeuta


Mudela Mercédesz

Gyógytornász - Fizioterapeuta


Chován Dóra

Gyógytornász - Manuálterapeuta


Chován Dóra

Gyógytornász - Manuálterapeuta


Süle-Szigeti Atilla



Konkoly Anett



Jónás-Fejes Flóra


Manual Therapist


Szemerey Nóra


Manual Therapist



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