Jónás-Fejes Flóra

Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist

I graduated from Semmelweis University, Budapest as physiotherapist. When choosing my profession, the principal aim was to find an occupation, where by encountering several person-personality, I can provide help, and take essential part in the rehabilitation process of the patients. I have always considered the regular exercise indispensable thus I believe in the active recovery the most. Since my graduation, I have been training myself continuously through several courses, and I consider the knowledge of new therapeutic possibilities important as well as their integration into my treatments. During individual therapies, we usually use other technics besides gymnastics (such as massage, manual therapy, etc.) depending on the current condition and need of the patient, since according to my experiences, the most efficient way to achieve the complete health condition is the complex treatment.

I am looking forward to seeing everybody with recovery and exercise desire

My guests wrote about me



Nagy Viktória
Physiotherapist - Manual Therapist

Mudela Mercédesz
Physiotherapist - Manual therapist

Végh Anett

Chován Dóra
Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist

Süle-Szigeti Atilla
Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist

Konkoly Anett
Physiotherapist, Manualtherapist

Fejes Luca
Physiotherapist, Manual therapist

Jónás-Fejes Flóra
Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist

Szemerey Nóra
Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist

Massage Therapists

Tóth Leona
Massage therapist

Jóni Dávid
Massage and sports massage therapist

Szluka Cecília
Massage therapist

Varga Zoltán
Massage and sports massage therapist

Health Care Assistants

Farkas Éva Bettina
Healthcare assistant

Rappai Anna
Healthcare assistant