Konkoly Anett

Physiotherapist, Manualtherapist

I earned my degree in physical therapy from the University of Szeged. My passion for this profession is rooted in personal positive experiences and from my first encounter with physiotherapy, I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in treating musculoskeletal disorders.

Given that this field is rapidly evolving, I believe it is crucial to continuously expand my knowledge. That’s why, even during my university years, I began learning various treatment techniques and have continued to enhance my expertise to provide the most suitable and comprehensive care for my patients.

I firmly believe that movement is the best medicine for any musculoskeletal issue (and for its prevention). There is nothing more rewarding than helping my patients recover and lead a fuller, pain-free life—whether in their daily activities or in sports.

Whether you're dealing with chronic musculoskeletal issues, acute problems, or simply have prevention goals, I warmly welcome you to join me in finding the best solution together!

Certifications and Trainings:

  • Barvicsenko Manual Therapy (ongoing)
  • Schroth 3D Scoliosis Method
  • Flossing Therapy
  • Trigger Point Therapy & Fascia Release Techniques
  • Soft Tissue Relaxation with Tools
  • Kinesiology Taping/Sports Taping – Basic Level
  • Kinesiology Taping/Sports Taping – Advanced Level
  • SMR System
  • Proprioceptive Training


  • Hungarian
  • English



Nagy Viktória
Physiotherapist - Manual Therapist

Mudela Mercédesz
Physiotherapist - Manual therapist

Végh Anett

Chován Dóra
Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist

Süle-Szigeti Atilla
Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist

Konkoly Anett
Physiotherapist, Manualtherapist

Jónás-Fejes Flóra
Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist

Szemerey Nóra
Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist

Massage Therapists

Tóth Leona
Massage therapist

Jóni Dávid
Massage and sports massage therapist

Szluka Cecília
Massage therapist

Varga Zoltán
Massage and sports massage therapist

Health Care Assistants

Farkas Éva Bettina
Healthcare assistant

Rappai Anna
Healthcare assistant