“Trigger-point” therapy

“The ultimate relief for painful muscle knots”

What is trigger-point?

The trigger-point is a painful muscle knot, a highly irritated area in the skeletal muscle/fascia which is closely related to the fibrils. The pain often can be detected not in the area of the trigger-point but rather as a radiant pain.

Types of "Trigger-points"

  • In case of active trigger-points intense pain is experienced both during exercise or rest;
  • Latent trigger-points are experienced, when the pain can be felt only by direct pressure;
  • Aborted trigger-points are when the muscle knots is under development and no radiant pain can be detected.

A developing a trigger-point is caused most frequently by a direct trauma, stress, overburden, arthritis, neuropathy, or lack of exercise. At the location of trigger-point the tissue metabolism and blood supply deteriorates, leading to more tension.

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The treatment

During the treatment, first the physiotherapist will map- the painful knots according to observed symptoms. The next step is contact pressure applied in a way to relieve stiffness and to limber-up the tensions ceasing the real cause of the pain on hand.
The treatment is not painless but a long-lasting recovery may be achieved.

Trigger-point Terapy therapist

Chován Dóra

Gyógytornász - Manuálterapeuta


Konkoly Anett



Mudela Mercédesz

Gyógytornász, fizioterapeuta


Süle-Szigeti Atilla

Gyógytornász, manuálterapeuta


Chován Dóra

Gyógytornász - Manuálterapeuta


Kiss Nóra

Manual Therapist


Book an appointment online or call us on weekdays
from 7am to 7pm +36 30 278 8909

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