Tóth Leona

Massage therapist

After high school, I decided that I wanted to work as a massage therapist, as I had struggled with back pain since my teenage years. As my knowledge grew, it became increasingly clear to me that I wanted to pursue this multifaceted profession as my calling. During my medical massage training, I had the opportunity to experience various musculoskeletal conditions through hospital practice, gaining hands-on experience. For me, the most important thing is to help others achieve quicker recovery and rehabilitation.

During my work at the National Institute of Musculoskeletal Disorders, I remained determined to ensure that patients felt better after each treatment, and through repeated sessions, we could work towards physical and mental balance.

With the knowledge I have acquired and by continually enriching my expertise, I strive to provide personalized care to those who come to see me, both here at the Fizio+ Physiotherapy Center and Private Practice.



Nagy Viktória
Physiotherapist - Manual Therapist

Mudela Mercédesz
Physiotherapist - Manual therapist

Végh Anett

Chován Dóra
Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist

Süle-Szigeti Atilla
Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist

Konkoly Anett
Physiotherapist, Manualtherapist

Fejes Luca
Physiotherapist, Manual therapist

Jónás-Fejes Flóra
Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist

Szemerey Nóra
Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist

Massage Therapists

Tóth Leona
Massage therapist

Jóni Dávid
Massage and sports massage therapist

Szluka Cecília
Massage therapist

Varga Zoltán
Massage and sports massage therapist

Health Care Assistants

Farkas Éva Bettina
Healthcare assistant

Rappai Anna
Healthcare assistant